Our dogs are the members of our family, we are taking care about them every single day by giving them for example the natural food(BARF) or the right doses of movement. Dog shows are in cynology almost like holiness. They are an opportunity to get an opinion about a dog from professionals.
We are not hiding that we like dog shows very much, we are preparing us and our dogs carefully and we are taking pleasure from this kind of leisure activities. Dog show is a possibility to see other dogs, to contact with other breeders and admirers of the breed. Also we are trying to participate actively in trainings devoted to the subjects likes dog’s health, reproduction, breeding and legal issues. We are constantly expending our knowledge that concerns this breed. The above mentioned issues have an incredible impact on the quality of animal healthcare and development of our kennel.
Our dogs have hip tests for dysplasia and osteochondrosis (required by ZKwP). We execute the blood tests and x-ray internal organs (at least once a year) genetic research(details in the information tab)sperm quality(Labone) and reproductive panel (Lema). In other words we are preparing very carefully to welcome our first litter in the world. Ewelina Gogulska, which is our vet, will be responsible for the healthcare of the mother and her puppies.
With the future owners we will sign Puppy Purchase Agreements and we would like to be fully informed about the puppy’s health conditions. We are ready for every question from the futures owners, what’s more if any of you will be eager to start his own adventure with dogs shows – we will do everything what we can do to help you, right know we are able to indicate trainers and handling schools in different parts of Poland. We can also assure that, if anyone from the group of the future owners of our puppies, will have issues, will be hesitate or will be simply scared about the dog presentation, we will show it for him.
Our puppies :
- they will be vaccinated and dewormed according to age,
- we will proceed with early neurological stimulation,
- they will be socialized by contact with various stimulus,
- we will proceed with Volhard personality tests that contribute to right choice of puppy for the right family
- they will receive cynological records and medical records,
- they will receive the basis equipment (collars, lanyards, gadgets)
- every future owner will receive from us all the necessaires information’s that’s concerns the upbringing of the Rhodesian Ridgeback puppie,
We will not confide an animal to the doghouse because the Rhodesian Ridgeback is a kind of breed that should stay closed to the beloved people at home due to the scant robe and psychological conditions about which we are mentioning in the article PERFECT OWNER.