We present our breeding plans for 2025.We appreciate dogs that are harmoniously built, conform to the standard height, and have a visible gender mark, and we strive for the ideal. Looking for perfection, we are currently planning another litter in our kennel, this time the mother of the litter will be our pride LORNA FIRST OF THIS NAME FOR Ginger Ridge FCI and GAMBIT Sangoma FCI. It took some time to make the decision to let Lorna become a mother, there were many reasons why we waited for the right moment. We believe that all human affairs must be put in order to ensure the dogs’ safety and comfort. So a few words about the future litter. Lorna is the daughter of our unique LABONE MWINE Makorikori & Aresvuma ELLEMA MALUWA.
She was born in our home and has been ours from the first breaths. We wanted her to be the fulfillment of our dreams of a perfect Rhodesian, we analyzed all the strengths and weaknesses of her parents and we believed that nature would understand our idea.Lorna’s father – Labone comes from the outstanding and one of the best Polish breeding kennel Makorikori, we chose him for the beauty and origin of his mother Waceera (Wasia), daughter of Ikimba WAATIMU – a legendary dog, one of the most titled Rhodesians in the world, described by breed specialist judge Viera Stawiarska as follows: “Elegant, beautiful format. Delicate female head. Beautiful ear, correct line neck. Good chest. Limbs in excellent condition and movement. Father of Labone LUKSUS Z Werwę is an ancestor from whom Lorna definitely inherits her spirit and beautiful movement. Lori’s mother comes from a legendary Russian kennel, and her grandmother is the famous Harmakis Wisdom DAKSHA OF ARESVUMA-Daksha, who is present in the pedigrees of many outstanding Rhodesians in Europe and beyond. We decided to choose Lema because of Daksha.
Why we pick such name for our first “doghter” ? Because one of the first bitches of this breed, owned by the breed’s creator, Cornelius Van Roojen, was named Lorna. In a sense, it is a tribute to the “father” of the breed, but also a hope that the good spirit of the mother of the first Rhodesians will watch over our girl. Lorna is a beautiful, elegant bitch with a good head and smooth, harmonious movement, which was often described by the judges who assessed her in the rings. In the announcement of the litter you will find Lorna’s test results and exhibition achievements, but it is also worth mentioning the character of this girl. Lori is an open, devoted to her family, energetic and very cuddly dog who loves us with all her heart and we love her too.
We chose Gambit as the father of the litter which comes from Edyta Ossowska’s Sangoma kennel. Edyta is a very experienced breeder, breed expert, cynological judge, and author of a book about Rhodesians. We have admired Edyta’s breeding for years, we have learned a lot from her and we are very pleased that now our breeding paths will cross. We are grateful to Edyta and the co-owners of Gambit – Michał Raczyński and Mateusz Polaczek for trusting us so we can implement our plan. We know Gambit from exhibitions, we like his anatomy and proportions, movement and psyche. Moreover, his ancestors also decided to choose this particular dog. The pedigree of the future father of the litter includes dogs such as the grandfather of the litter HAIBA KAISOON EOS from the Nicollette Foschum breeding farm. Eos – a beautiful dog that gives his descendants a strong back, good forechest, excellent paws, very good angulation and bone structure, correct bite and a calm, balanced temperament. The grandma of the litter will be CALYPSO ROSE Sangoma (born Iita) – vce world winner 2018, a charming, calm female, daughter of the outstanding and admired not only by us WESOŁA ŁAPKA Sangoma-for family Pata, also Junior World Winner 2012.Anyone who hasn’t seen Pata perfectly circle the ring with Edyta smoothly, lightly and without a leash (!) has seen nothing. We really hope that at least some of Pata will be present in both the exterior and the characters of the planned puppies, at least. It is impossible not to mention another one of Gambit’s ancestors, LEOPOLD AMNON BEREZIN Rich-Rach, owned by his breeder, international judge, breed expert Orit Nevo. LEOPOLD became interchampion at the age of 2 years and 8 months, those for whom exhibitions are important know how much a difficult achievement and how exceptional the dog must be to achieve it. Appreciated by such breed expert judges as: Jochen H. Eberhardt, Berger Shimshon, Stefan Sinko, Ety Goor, Attila Czeglédi, Dorota Witkowska, Avi Marshak, George Schogol, TC Ümit Özkanal and several others.
Aresvuma is particularly dear to us due to its presence in Lorna’s pedigree. Lorna and Lind (BELLINDA LA LUNA Ginger Ridge)and their siblings are in the world because of the experience, kindness and diligence of Svetlana Malinnikova.
We would like to devote a few words to another unique patron of the planned litter, Izabela Gołąb – our friend and mentor, who bred Lorna’s father, LABONE MWINE Makoikori FCI, to whom our girl owes her beautiful head, long, elegant neck and perfect movement. Iza, thank you very much for everything, without you there would be no Ginger Ridge, there would be no us…
It is impossible to forget about the friendships that were born thanks to our dog adventure. Hanna Nycz, your advices, opinions, visions and unquestionable knowledge about the breed influenced many key decisions. We know that we can always count on you and we are eternally grateful to you for that.