We are pleased to announce that in 2022 we are planning another litter of our beautiful and titled Lemy-C.I.B, MultiChamp Aresvuma ELLEMA MALUWA. We thought about choosing a litter father for a long time. We looked at various candidates looking for the one and only one. We chose a wonderful dog – Benjamin – Maanhaar Primo-Creatus FATEFUL BENJAMIN, which we had the opportunity to see many times in the rings with his fantastic owner and handler – Alena Gebrova, whom we thank for the trust and the possibility of using this wonderful stud dog in our kennel. Extremely titled Benji is an Interchampion,Grandchampion(Czech Republic, Slovakia Republuc, Poland, Hungary and Romania) Multichampion, repeatedly receiving the title of BOB (Best Of Breed), and the title of Top Dog in Rhodesian Clubs in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, he is also a healthy dog, which is confirmed by numerous tests, also genetic. Benjamin is the son of a beautiful Elangeni BRAVEHEARTS RULES from an outstanding Australian kennel, from his mother’s side there is the Ukrainian kennel Maanhaar Primo-Creatus and Russian kennel Podarok Iz Afriki, and also present in the puppies pedigree from our L litter (after CIB LABONE MWINE Makorikori’s sire) Crufts Winner Jockular JAMAL AQUAMARIN.
The future father of the B litter is the father of many beautiful dogs, and thus he proved himself not only on the show rings, it was very important for us when we selected a stud dog.
We have always admired Benji’s beautiful head and chest, as well as outstanding movement and character – open and joyful, and because our Lema is a charming, beautifully built bitch, very devoted to her family, we hope for an even litter of healthy and beautiful puppies.
Therefore, we are waiting with hope for this unique litter in the pedigree of which African and Australian lines will meet.
If you are interested in puppies from this combination, please contact.
Maanhaar Primo – Creatus FATEFUL BENJAMIN

Sire: Elangeni Braveheartrules
Dam:Maanhaar Primo-Creatus Bahati Della Nila Fibi
Grand Champion of Czech Republic
Grand Champion of Slovakia
Grand Champion of Poland
Grand Champion of Romania
Champion of Czech Republic
JCH of Czech Republic
Champion of ĆMKU union
Champion of Slovkia
Champion of Germany
Champion of Austria
JCHPL&Champion of Poland
Champion of Hungary
Champion of Croatia
Champion of Romania
Club Champion of KCHRR
height :69cm
Health Tests :
EOAD-Clear,Haemophilia A,B-clear
B-locus-B/B,Dilution Locus-D/D
Eyes Examination-clear
Malignant hypertermia-not carrier
Full Scissor Bite
Color Red Wheaten
d.o.b. – 03.04.2017

C.I.B(Interchampion)& Multi Champion
Junior Polish Champion
Junior Russian Champion
Junior Scenthound Club Winner
Champion of Poland
Scenthound Club Winner
Champion of Bosnia&Herzegovina
Grand Champion of Bosnia&Herzegovina
Champion of Montenegro
Grand Champion of Montenegro
Champion of Kosovo
Grand Champion of Kosovo
Yugoslavian Champion
Balkan Champion
Adriatic Champion
Mediterian Champion
Champion of Moldova
Grand Champion Of Moldova
MultiBOB,Multi BOG, Multi BOS
Height-64 cm
Health tests:
HD-A/A, ED-0/0 (excellent)OCD (-)
DM –N/N by parentage
Tyroid – normal
JME –N/N by parentage
Full Scissor Bite
Color Red Wheaten
On 20 of March 2022 we welcomed 6 puppies in our kennel – 4 boys and 2 girls. Mother of litter is feeling very well and she is raising her puppies tenderly. All little ones have ridges and no signes of DS, besides that they barely don’t have white spots.
Litter B galery
First week:
Second week: